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समणी श्रेयसप्रज्ञाजी एवं समणी अमलप्रज्ञाजी का दुबई पदार्पण

दुबई। 31 अक्तूबर 14। समणी श्रेयसप्रज्ञाजी एवं समणी अमलप्रज्ञाजी के दुबई आगमन के अवसर पर जीवन विज्ञान अकादमी दुबई द्वारा स्वागत किया गया। स्वागत समारोह में उपस्थित श्रावक समाज को सम्बोधित करते हुए समणी श्रेयसप्रज्ञाजी ने फरमाया कि-स्वयं की भूलों को देखना एवं उसका परिष्कार करना हमें दुष्कर लगता है। हमें सहनशील बनना चाहिए एवं स्व-कल्याण के साथ पर-कल्याण की दिशा में प्रस्थान करना चाहिए।
मोक्ष हमारा लक्ष्य है एवं उसको पाने के लिए हमें आत्म परिश्रम करना चाहिए। व्यक्ति को क्रोध-मान-माया-लोभ के कषायों का उपशमन करना चाहिए। समणीजी ने आनंद श्रावक, महाशतक, राजा श्रेणिक के जीवन प्रसंग भी बताए।
समणीजी द्वारा प्रेक्षाध्यान के प्रयोग भी करवाए गये। उन्होंने उपस्थितों को ध्यान का महत्व समझाते हुए बताया कि किस प्रकार ध्यान के प्रयोग से मस्तिष्क में अल्फा तरंगों का निर्माण होता है जिस से शरीर में नई ऊर्जा का संचार होता है।
इससे पूर्व समणी अमलप्रज्ञाजी द्वारा "मनुष्य जीवन अनमोल रे..." गीतिका का संगान किया गया एवं कुछ रोचक प्रसंगों द्वारा समझाया कि किस प्रकार हमें लक्ष्यप्राप्ति हेतु दृढ़ संकल्प के साथ सदैव प्रयत्नशील रहना चाहिए।
इस अवसर पर राकेश बोहरा,  दिनेश कोठारी, रचना बोहरा, संतोष मुथा आदि ने समणी वृन्द का स्वागत करते हुए अपनी भावना व्यक्त की।
दुबई से श्री राकेश बोहरा द्वारा इस अवसर पर स्व-अनुभव सांझा किए गए है जो इस प्रकार है:
Jai Jinendra,
We welcomed Samaniji in UAE. Rakeshji Bohara, Dinesh Kothari, Rachana Bohara and  Santoshji Mutha expressed their feelings.
Today, Samaniji's lecture was as follows:-
First Samani Shri Amal Pragyaji started with a very good "Bhajan" --
मनुष्य जन्म अनमोल रे
Then she narrated an incident about a child who asked god "O God, you gave something special to these famous people but you didn't give me anything." God said "Dear child, I have given everyone the same gift. Some people used it very well and became famous, others didn't use properly. So, everyone can make his dreams real and achieve what he wants. for this the dreams or goals should be specific. We should have deep faith in achieving them. Even if obstacles come we should not stop. We should make strong efforts in achieving these goals or dreams.
Then Samani Shri Shreyas Pragyaji narrated a small incident. A train passenger called one small boy who was selling water and asked for price of a bottle of water. The boy just smiled and went away. The passenger asked other tarvellers why this child smiled and went away. One wise person answered if you needed the water badly you could have taken the water bottle, drank the water and then asked the price. But you didn't need the water badly so you asked price first and child smiled at you and went away. Similarly, if we want "Moksha or salvation badly, we should be trying hard to achieve it without asking for its price." Samaniji mentioned that she just completed her PhD and the award function is will be held in November. She will be missing this award function. But for her serving the community is more important so she agreed to miss the function and came to Dubai for serving the community in Dubai. She mentioned 4 things are difficult:- 1. To watch ourselves and find our own mistakes. 2. Accepting and Correcting our own mistakes. 3. Having patience. 4. Thinking and doing welfare of others.
Then we did few experiments. Samaniji asked 2 -3 people to stand up and remember and speak names of people whom they know in the hall in 1 minute. People spoke different names. Samaniji asked why didn't you speak your own name. You forgot yourself. Never forget yourself and your soul. What are we doing for proceeding towards moksha / salvation. We have to reduce our "Kashaya - Anger, greed, ego, deceit", otherwise we can't reach salvation. Then Samaniji briefly mentioned stories of Shravak Anand, Mahashatak, King Shrenik and Duryodhan. She said that Swadhyaya and Meditation are good ways of reducing "Kashaya". Then we practiced following meditation:- 1. Mahapranh Dhwani 2. Sit in a comfortable posture. To keep the back bone straight spread the knees so that both the knees are on the floor. 3. Take deep breath 4. Inhale for 3 sec and exhale for 5 sec. 5. Inhale then hold for sometime then exhale. 6. Inhale hold exhale hold. Meditation increases the generation of Alpha waves in mind which are good to increase the energy level of a person. By keeping eyes open many nerves are being used, which consume energy. By closing the eyes we save that energy.